Our practice run with the tent setup...we wanted to look like pros when we got to the camp!
Ok by now I've realized Aaron needs some bigger "wife beaters"
We made it! And time get grilling...Is that Yoly cooking!!??
What a family picture if we don't pose with food.
The playground ahead of us

I can't decide to listen to the gossip or head to bed..
Late night chit chats
Our 1st night bonfire... I think my cousins Anthony and Jessie were getting into it.
Aaron still sleeping..
Breakfast, Day 2 of Camping

From left: Bro. S. Escobar, Bro Zuniga and Sister Febe

This is right before Aaron tripped over his own foot and skinned his arm and knee!
He gets that from the Bohorquez side of the family!
I thought this was cute...
So Yoly, Aaron and I decided to go for a hike... after a mile we decide to quit. 1. because we were tired and 2. the mosquitos were eating us alive.
The Tea House

Here I am!
Here's Ma after a wonderful night's rest ;)
The aftermath of the storm...You clean up that garbage mama!
Here's Pop fretting over how we're going to fit everything in the car.